Kod Barangan : ET011001.ME43.A117
Status Syarikat : PEMBEKAL
No. Telefon : 0376509229
No. Fax : 0379311258
No. Laporan : i) Sijil Intertek. : 100031969CRT-001a, 100755148CRT-001, 100071798CRT-001, 100328309CRT-001b, 100328309CRT-001c, 100899990CRT-001b, 3180655CRT-001, 3187143CRT-001, 3180890CRT-001b, 3195593CRT-001a, 3195593CRT-001c, 100261873CRT-001c; ii) Laporan Ujian Intertek : 100134962CRT-001b, 101374616CRT-001a, 101481326LEX-001; iii) Sijil Delta : 2017-182, 2017-183
Tarikh Tamat : 15-06-2020
Rujukan : ANSI/TIA/EIA-568-C.0-2009, ANSI/TIA/EIA-568-C.2-2009, ISO/IEC 11801
Catatan : -
Negara : China

1ACT4P6UCM3RBBUCat.6 UTP CableCat.6 4pr UTP Cable 305m Blue, CM
2ACT4P6UCM3RBGY Cat.6 UTP CableCat.6 4pr UTP Cable 305m Grey, CM
3ACT4P6UCR3RBBUCat.6 UTP CableCat.6 4pr UTP Cable 305m Blue, CMR
4ACT4P6UCR3RBGYCat.6 UTP CableCat.6 4pr UTP Cable 305m Grey, CMR
5ACT4P6UCP3RBBUCat.6 UTP CableCat.6 4pr UTP Cable 305m Blue, CMP
6ACT4P6ULS3RBWECat.6 UTP CableCat.6 4pr UTP Cable 305m White, LSZH
7ACTRJ30M6NSUWECat.6 UTP Modular JackCat.6 UTP 30MechNon-Shutter Modular Jack, White
8ACTPP6U24SHCCat.6 UTP Patch PanelCat.6 UTP 24-port ID6 Shuttered Patch Panel, loaded
9ACTPP6U24SHSCat.6 UTP Patch PanelCat.6 UTP 24-port Shuttered Patch Panel, loaded
10TPFPU10/TxCat.6 UTP Patch PanelActassi Lan Controller,10 Panels,with Plug
11TPFPU10Cat.6 UTP Patch PanelActassi Lan Controller,10 Panels,without plug
12ACTPC6UBCMxxyyCat.6 UTP Patch Cord Cat6 Patch Cord UTP (Length) CM, (Color) (xx = Length : 10=1m, 20=2m, 30=3m, 50=5m, 100=10m) (yy = Color : BU=Blue, GY=Grey, RD=Red, YL=Yellow, GR=Green, WE=White, RG=Orange, BK=Black)
13ACTPC6UBLSxxyyCat.6 UTP Patch CordCat6 Patch Cord UTP (Length) LSZH, (Color) (xx = Length : 10=1m, 20=2m, 30=3m, 50=5m, 100=10m) (yy = Color : BU=Blue, GY=Grey, RD=Red, YL=Yellow, GR=Green, WE=White, RG=Orange, BK=Black)
14ACT4P6SCM3RBBUCat.6 FTP CableCat.6 4pr FTP Cable 305m Blue, CM
15ACT4P6SCR3RBBUCat.6 FTP CableCat.6 4pr FTP Cable 305m Blue, CMR
16ACT4P6SCP3RBBUCat.6 FTP CableCat.6 4pr FTP Cable 305m Blue, CMP
17ACT4P6SLS3RBWECat.6 FTP CableCat.6 4pr FTP Cable 305m white, LSZH
18ACTRJSM6NSSCat.6 FTP Modular JackCat.6 FTP Keyst, Non-Shutter Modular Jack, Metal
19ACTRJSM6NSSPCat.6 FTP Modular JackCat.6 FTP Keyst, Non-Shutter Modular Jack, Metal (panel version)
20ACTPP6S24NSUCat.6 FTP Patch PanelCat.6 FTP 24-port Non-Shutter Patch Panel, unloaded
21ACTPC6SBCMxxyyCat.6 FTP Patch CordCat6 Patch Cord FTP (Length) CM, (Color) (xx = Length : 10=1m, 20=2m, 30=3m, 50=5m, 100=10m) (yy = Color : BU=Blue, GY=Grey)
22ACTPC6SLSxxyyCat.6 FTP Patch CordCat6 Patch Cord FTP (Length) LSZH, (Color) (xx = Length : 10=1m, 20=2m, 30=3m, 50=5m, 100=10m) (yy = Color : BU=Blue, GY=Grey)
23ACTTG4P6AUCM3RBBUCat.6A 10G UTP CableCat.6A 10G UTP Cable 305m Blue, CM
24ACTTG4P6AUCR3RBBUCat.6A 10G UTP CableCat.6A 10G UTP Cable 305m Blue, CMR
25ACTTG4P6AUCP3RBBUCat.6A 10G UTP CableCat.6A 10G UTP Cable 305m Blue, CMP
26ACTTG4P6AULS3RBBUCat.6A 10G UTP CableCat.6A 10G UTP Cable 305m Blue, LSZH
27ACTRJSMTG6ANUSCat.6A 10G UTP Modular JackCat.6A 10G UTP Keyst, Non-Shutter Modular Jack, Metal
28ACTPP6ATGU24NSSCat.6A 10G UTP Patch PanelCat.6A 10G UTP 24-port Patch Panel, loaded Non-Shutter
29ACTPP6ATGU24NHSCat.6A 10G UTP Patch PanelCat.6A 10G UTP 24-port Patch Panel, loaded Shutter
30ACTPTG6ASBCMxxyyCat.6A 10G UTP Patch CordCat.6A Patch Cord (Length) CM, (Color) (xx = Length : 10=1m, 20=2m, 30=3m, 50=5m, 100=10m) (yy = Color : BU=Blue, WE=White, GY=Grey)
31ACTPTG6ASBLSxxyyCat.6A 10G UTP Patch CordCat.6A Patch Cord (Length) LSZH, (Color) (xx = Length : 10=1m, 20=2m, 30=3m, 50=5m, 100=10m) (yy = Color : BU=Blue, WE=White, GY=Grey)
32ACTTG4P6ASCM3RBBUCat.6A 10G FTP CableCat.6A 10G FTP Cable 305m Blue, CM
33ACTTG4P6ASCR3RBBUCat.6A 10G FTP CableCat.6A 10G FTP Cable 305m Blue, CMR
34ACTTG4P6ASCP3RBBUCat.6A 10G FTP CableCat.6A 10G FTP Cable 305m Blue, CMP
35ACTTG4P6ASLS3RBBUCat.6A 10G FTP CableCat.6A 10G FTP Cable 305m Blue, LSZH
36ACTRJSMTG6ANSSPCat.6A 10G FTP Modular JackCat.6A 10G FTP Keyst, Non-Shutter Modular Jack, Metal (panel version)
37ACTRJSMTG6ANSSCat.6A 10G FTP Modular JackCat.6A 10G FTP Keyst, Non-Shutter Modular Jack, Metal
38ACTPP6ATGS24NSUCat.6A 10G FTP Patch PanelCat.6A 10G FTP 24-port Patch Panel, unloaded
39ACTPP6ATGS24NSCat.6A 10G FTP Patch PanelCat.6A 10G FTP 24-port Patch Panel, loaded
40ACTNDxxSM9LSIndoor Fiber CableFiber Cable, Indoor Building, 9/125µm Single-mode OS2-LSZH (xx =fiber counts; 02,04,06,08,12,16,24,48)
41ACTNDTGxxMMLSIndoor Fiber CableFiber Cable, 10G Indoor Building, 50/125µm Multi-mode OM3-LSZH (xx =fiber counts; 02,04,06,08,12,16,24,48)
42ACTNDxxMM5XLSIndoor Fiber CableFiber Cable, 100G Indoor Building, 50/125µm Multi-mode OM4-LSZH (xx =fiber counts; 02,04,06,08,12,16,24,48)
43ACTNDxxSM9FRIndoor Fiber CableFiber Cable, Tight Buffer, 9/125µm Single-mode OS2 - OFNR (xx =fiber counts; 02,04,06,08,12,16,24,48)
44ACTNDTGxxMMFRIndoor Fiber CableFiber Cable, Tight Buffer, 50/125µm Multi-mode OM3 - OFNR (xx =fiber counts; 02,04,06,08,12,16,24,48)
45ACTNDxxMM5XFRIndoor Fiber CableFiber Cable, Tight Buffer, 50/125µm Multi-mode OM4 - OFNR (xx =fiber counts; 02,04,06,08,12,16,24,48)
46ACTNUDxxSM9yyIndoor/Outdoor Fiber CableFiber Cable, Indoor/Outdoor, 9/125µm Single-mode OS2 (xx =fiber counts; 02,04,06,08,12,16,24,48) (yy=jacket material; PE=PE, LS=LSZH)
47ACTNUDTGxxMM5TyyIndoor/Outdoor Fiber CableFiber Cable, 10G Indoor/Outdoor, 50/125µm Multi-mode OM3 (xx =fiber counts; 02,04,06,08,12,16,24,48) (yy=jacket material; FR=OFNR, PE=PE, LS=LSZH)
48ACTNUDxxMM5XyyIndoor/Outdoor Fiber CableFiber Cable, 100G Indoor/Outdoor, 50/125µm Multi-mode OM4 (xx =fiber counts; 02,04,06,08,12,16,24,48) (yy=jacket material; FR=OFNR, PE=PE, LS=LSZH)
49ACTUDUTzAxxSM9yyOutdoor Fiber CableFiber Cable, Unitube, 9/125µm Single-mode OS2 (xx =fiber counts; 02,04,06,08,12,16,24,48) (yy=jacket material; PE=PE, LS=LSZH) (zz=level of protection; AM=Armoured, LA=Light Armoured)
50ACTUDUTzzxxMM5TyyOutdoor Fiber CableFiber Cable, 10G Unitube, 50/125µm Multi-mode OM3 (xx =fiber counts; 02,04,06,08,12,16,24,48) (yy=jacket material; FR=OFNR, PE=PE, LS=LSZH) (zz=level of protection; AM=Armoured, LA=Light Armoured, NA=Non-Armoured)
51ACTUDUTzzxxMM5XyyOutdoor Fiber CableFiber Cable, 100G Unitube, 50/125µm Multi-mode OM4 (xx =fiber counts; 02,04,06,08,12,16,24,48) (yy=jacket material; FR=OFNR, PE=PE, LS=LSZH) (zz=level of protection; AM=Armoured, LA=Light Armoured, NA=Non-Armoured)
52ACTUDSLzzxxSM9yyOutdoor Fiber CableFiber Cable, Stranded Loose Tube 9/125µm Single-mode OS2 (xx =fiber counts; 02,04,06,08,12,16,24,48) (yy=jacket material; PE=PE, LS=LSZH) (zz=level of protection; AM=Armoured, LA=Light Armoured)
53ACTUDSLzzxxMM5TyyOutdoor Fiber CableFiber Cable, 10G Stranded Loose Tube, 50/125µm Multi-mode OM3 (xx =fiber counts; 02,04,06,08,12,16,24,48) (yy=jacket material; FR=OFNR, PE=PE, LS=LSZH) (zz=level of protection; AM=Armoured, LA=Light Armoured, NA=Non-Armoured)
54ACTUDSLzzxxMM5XyyOutdoor Fiber CableFiber Cable, 100G Stranded Loose Tube, 50/125µm Multi-mode OM4 (xx =fiber counts; 02,04,06,08,12,16,24,48) (yy=jacket material; FR=OFNR, PE=PE, LS=LSZH) (zz=level of protection; AM=Armoured, LA=Light Armoured, NA=Non-Armoured)
55ACTFP1yS19SxxFiber Patch CordFiber Patch Cord, SC-SC Simplex, Single-mode, OS2 (xx = length; 10=1m, 20=2m, 30=3m, 50=5m, 100=10m) (y=connector type; C – SC, T – ST, L – LC, CL – SC-LC, TC – ST-SC)
56ACTFP2yS19SxxFiber Patch CordFiber Patch Cord, SC-SC Duplex, Single-mode, OS2 (xx = length; 10=1m, 20=2m, 30=3m, 50=5m, 100=10m) (y=connector type; C – SC, T – ST, L – LC, CL – SC-LC, TC – ST-SC)
57ACTFP2yM35MxxFiber Patch Cord Fiber Patch Cord, SC-SC Duplex, 62.5/125µm Multi-mode, OM3 (xx = length; 10=1m, 20=2m, 30=3m, 50=5m, 100=10m) (y=connector type; C – SC, T – ST, L – LC, M – MTRJ, CL – SC-LC, TC – ST-SC)
58ACTFT1y1S19SxxFiber PigtailsFiber Pigtails, SC Single-mode, OS2 (xx = length; 10=1m, 15=1.5m, 20=2m) (y=connector type; C – SC, T – ST, L – LC)
59ACTFT2M1S19SxxFiber PigtailsFiber Pigtails, MTRJ Single-mode, OS2 (xx = length; 10=1m, 15=1.5m, 20=2m) (y=connector type; C – SC, T – ST, L – LC)
60ACTFT1y1M25MxxFiber PigtailsFiber Pigtails, SC Multi-mode (xx = length; 10=1m, 15=1.5m, 20=2m) (y=connector type; C – SC, T – ST, L – LC)
61ACTFT2M1M25Mxx Fiber PigtailsFiber Pigtails, MTRJMulti-mode (xx = length; 10=1m, 15=1.5m, 20=2m) (y=connector type; C – SC, T – ST, L – LC)
62ACTFA1TSMZMAdaptorAdaptor, ST Simplex Single-mode, Zirconia Ceramic, Metal
63ACTFA1CSMZMPAdaptorAdaptor, SC Simplex Single-mode, Zirconia Ceramic, Plastic
64ACTFA1TMMMZMAdaptorAdaptor, ST Simplex Multi-mode, Zirconia Ceramic, Metal
65ACTFA1CMMMZPAdaptorAdaptor, SC Simplex Multi-mode, Zirconia Ceramic, Plastic
66ACTFA2xxMMMZPAdaptorAdaptor, Duplex Multi-mode, Zirconia Ceramic, Plastic (xx=adaptor type; C – SC, L – LC, M – MTRJ (only in Multimode), CT – SCST, CL – SCLC)
67ACTFA2xxSMZPadaptorAdaptor, Duplex Multi-mode, Zirconia Ceramic, Plastic (xx=adaptor type; C – SC, L – LC, M – MTRJ (only in Multimode), CT – SCST, CL – SCLC)
68ACTFCxxSM3ConnectorConnector, Single-mode, 3mm (xx=connector type; SC –SC, ST – ST, LC – LC)
69ACTFCxxSM9ConnectorConnector, Single-mode, 0.9mm (xx=connector type; SC –SC, ST – ST)
70ACTFCLCSM1ConnectorConnector, LC Single-mode, 1.8mm
71ACTFCxxMM3ConnectorConnector, Multi-mode, 3mm (xx=connector type; SC –SC, ST – ST, LC – LC)
72ACTFCxxMM9ConnectorConnector, Multi-mode, 0.9mm (xx=connector type; SC –SC, ST – ST)
73ACTFCLCMM1ConnectorConnector, LC Multi-mode, 1.8mm
74ACTFCMTRJMM2ConnectorConnector, MTRJ Multi-mode, 2mm
75E3000RJ1A6SxxWall PlateSKT 1G Flexi Port Angled Cat.6, color (xx=color; GS=Grey Silver, WE=White)
76E3000RJ2A6SxxWall PlateSKT 2G Flexi Port Angled Cat.6, color (xx=color; GS=Grey Silver, WE=White)
77U31HRJA6SWE Wall PlateSKT 1G Flexi Port Angled Cat.6 HORIZ
78U32HRJA6SWE Wall PlateSKT 2G Flexi Port Angled Cat.6 HORIZ
79E3031RJKxxWall Plate1G E3000 Flat Shutter, color (xx=color; GS=Grey Silver, WW=White)
80E3032RJKxxWall Plate2G E3000 Flat Shutter, color (xx=color; GS=Grey Silver, WW=White)
81E3031ASxx-EXWall PlateNEO Angle Wallplate 1G Shutter, color (OS) (xx=color; GS=Grey Silver, WW=White)
82E3032ASxx-EXWall PlateNEO Angle Wallplate 2G Shutter, color (OS) (xx=color; GS=Grey Silver, WW=White)
83E3031ASxxWall PlateNEO Angle Wallplate 1G Shutter, color (CN) (xx=color; GS=Grey Silver, WW=White)
84E3032ASxxWall PlateNEO Angle Wallplate 2G Shutter, color (CN) (xx=color; GS=Grey Silver, WW=White)
85E2031SRJKIWall Plate1G Flat Shutter unloaded, White
86E2032SRJKIWall Plate2G Flat Shutter unloaded, White
87OCCBLMBX99Terminal ConnectivityDesktop Patch Caddy with info holder
88ACTFMP1UFiber Panel1U, fit up to 3 adaptor plate, unloaded
89ACTFMP4UFiber Panel4U, fit up to 12 adaptor plate, unloaded
90ACTFM1UF2SC3PMMCover plate with adaptorAdaptor plate with 3 SC duplex beige adapters for multimode OM2/OM3/OM4 (support also single mode)
91ACTFM1UF2SC3PSMCover plate with adaptorAdaptor plate with 3 SC duplex blue adapters for singlemode OS1/OS2 (support also multimode OM2/OM3/OM4)
92ACTFM1UF2SC6PMMCover plate with adaptorAdaptor plate with 6 SC duplex beige adapters for multimode OM2/OM3/OM4 (support also single mode)
93ACTFM1UF2SC6PSMCover plate with adaptorAdaptor plate with 6 SC duplex blue adapters for singlemode OS1/OS2 (support also multimode OM2/OM3/OM4)
94ACTFM1UF2LC6PMMCover plate with adaptorAdaptor plate with 6 LC duplex beige adapters for multimode OM2/OM3/OM4 (support also single mode)
95ACTFM1UF2LC6PSMCover plate with adaptorAdaptor plate with 6 LC duplex blue adapters for singlemode OS1/OS2 (support also multimode OM2/OM3/OM4)
96ACTFM1UF2LC12PMCover plate with adaptorAdaptor plate with 12 LC duplex beige adapters for multimode OM2/OM3/OM4 (support also single mode)
97ACTFM1UF2LC12PSCover plate with adaptorAdaptor plate with 12 LC duplex blue adapters for singlemode OS1/OS2 (support also multimode OM2/OM3/OM4)
98ACTMPBPAccessories Blank adaptor plate for ACTMP1U & ACTMP4U
99ACTFMSPTKITAccessories 1U Fusion Splice tray kit (max 24-fibre)
100ACTFMSPT4USETAccessories 4U Fusion Splice tray kit (max 288-fibre)